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Saturday, February 8, 2025

27 things pt. 2

Hello 2025! 2024 was a really memorable year for me even though the first 6 months seemed a different year compared to the second 6 months. I guess it's too late for me already to make a 2024 wrap up post -- sa dami ng nangyari, I am overwhelmed by the amount of photos I need to declutter.

The photo above is the best picture that could describe what I'm feeling about this new year. That is my corner of the room the first time we moved into our new place. Barely empty, looking lonely, but so much space to bring in new things. 

Here's the second part of my photodiary!


10th - grief and clarity

Dealing with grief has always been hard and different for each person. But one thing I learned last year is that grief could also come when there is clarity. 

There is clarity on where I should go, but I will grieve about the places I had to leave. There is clarity on what I want, but there is grief on what could have been. There is clarity on what love we think we deserve, but there is grief where love has been.

While grief's hard to deal with, it's because of clarity that we're able to slowly get through with it.

Here's a picture of Moon and Venus conjunction, the phenomenon where both celestial bodies align with each other and appear close as observed from Earth. 

11th - live for the little things

Sometimes we just have to allow ourselves to not think too deeply. Sometimes the things that matter are things that we should not worry about because it has always been there all along. Sometimes the answers to the questions that we have can't be answered at the moment. 

So instead, look for joy in the little things. Look forward to sunrises and sunsets. To the laughters and stories of my roommates at the end of the day. To that puppy that will greet you everytime you go home. To the conversations with your family or friends over dinner. As what my friend had said, "we need to give space for the mundane moments". Sometimes, just giving 5 minutes for these things would get us through the day.

"But today, I'll stop to smell the roses." ~ roses, Paolo Sandejas

12th - grass is greener here

This is actually a reminder for me always to be thankful of what I have for now. There's uncertainty of my future after I graduate Masters. Most probably I'll be comparing myself with other people's employed status hahaha. But it's gonna be okay. There's no use in looking over other people's patches of green fields when I can also invest in myself, nurture my growth, and appreciate small sprouts of progress.

13th - forgive yourself

I've always been too hard on myself whenever I make mistakes. I am even ashamed other people might see my faults. 

But whether we said the wrong words, followed the wrong advice, gave up too soon, made the wrong choices-- I hope we always give ourselves grace and understand that we are just humans. And this is our first life, it's okay to make mistakes.

I've read once in a post, 'Imagine how much further you'd get if you met your setbacks with "let's try again" instead of "what's the point"'. Let's not easily give up, and give ourselves grace to try again.

14th - rest well, serve well

Many times I've regretted what I've said, done, and thought of when I am tired. This year, I will be more present to every waking moment, be more present to the people around me, so that I can serve them well. 

I think it's okay to put off things first especially when making decisions until I have rested well. I realized as I am getting older, I can't do all-nighter anymore and still have energy for the next day. 

I hope to have courage to say no to things that will compromise my sleeping time. Haha just adult things

(Look at that mountain though, damn those edges!! I will always miss Bukidnon <3) 

15th - go out and discover you

I thank the Lord that I have the privilege to travel. More than the beautiful things I've seen in other places, my travels also allowed me to discover things within me.

Because of my travels, I have dared to dream new dreams and gained new perspectives on the world. Once you go out there, you realize how small your worries are and how great we could still be when we expand our mindset of who we are right now.

Different races, cultures, languages-- these really fascinate me every time, because as I go people watching, how different we may be, everybody is just trying to survive in this life in our own ways.

I am just but a small speck in this vast world.

16th - mang and pang

My mom and dad are not perfect but amidst of all the broken marriages and families today, I admire their faithfulness with each other in keeping their relationship strong. I guess 30 years of marriage is really hard work and God's faithfulness. 

I guess their bond got closer and love got stronger when all their children had left home already, and realized that all they have is each other. Makes me teary eyed every time I think of this aaaahhhh

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

17th - mourn, but hope

Pain demands to be felt, and there's no point of suppressing our hurts. 

Allow yourself to grieve and feel what you feel. But it's another thing to let that feeling linger. There is wisdom in realizing that pain is part in this life, but so is breakthrough. There are indeed nights that feel so long, dark, and lonely, but hold on to the hope that joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). 

When I lost my phone last year, there was a storm that week which gave me reason to mourn for days because there was no sun hahaha but eventually, sun had to show up. The world did not stop revolving around the sun, and the world would not stop for me. Painful truth but comforting at the same time. 

Thank God for every morning, for every sunrise. It's a stark reminder that there is hope in every loss. And that every dark moment always has its end.

18th - room to grow

"Please be patient with me.
God is not through with me yet.
I am not yet what God wants me to be.
But praise God, by His Grace, I'm no longer the same person as I was."
- Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi
(January 5, 2025 - CCF Sunday Service)

It's already the second month of 2025. This post is long overdue!! It was supposed to be posted on the first week of the year but life happened. Weddings, reunions, and thesis. This post had undergone so much drafts already hahaha I've been writing and finishing this at the airport while waiting for my flights, writing in between my thesis experiments, and writing for a few minutes before I go to sleep. I guess I had to post it already before I get (super) busy again.

As for the third part of this series, I need to take new photos! 

Have a fun year ahead :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

27 things pt.1

I have finally reached a point where my younger self would consider myself old. I thought I would be married by this time and I thought I was giving myself too much grace already because this was my mom's age when she had me, and I am already the third child hahaha. Guess what, can't see that happening any time soon yet.

I still feel 22-- "happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way". Yep, it's "miserable and magical". (Haha Taylor Swift's always relatable.) I am thrilled of what's in store for me in the next years, but I would also like to look back and reflect on 27 things I've learned and realized at this age. I decided to make a photo diary instead because I am inspired by kuya Geloy's photographs and Abbey Sy's photo journals (but actually, I'm running out of vocabulary).

1st - living in an answered prayer

Whenever I find myself feeling bleak or comparing my timeline to others, I remind myself of this truth: I am living in my answered prayers. Minsan di pa nagsi-sink in. Has it truly been 12 months since I packed up my life and moved to bustling Manila?

My life has done a complete 180—from teacher to student. I’ve never felt so young and old at the same time. I have the energy, time, and money (just enough to enjoy the moment)-- praise God! I know this is not going to be like this forever, so for now, carpe diem.

2nd - timing is everything

When I first visited IAO last January, I arrived in the middle of the rainy season. For an entire week, there was only one hour of sunlight and clear skies. I didn’t let that hour go to waste—I finally tried surfing!

Surfing taught me an unforgettable lesson: timing is everything. The ocean demands decisiveness. A single moment of hesitation or doubt can throw you off balance. Just like in life, it’s all about catching the wave at the right moment and having the courage to rise when it’s time.

3rd - love's never lost 

I know there are times we find ourselves thinking about lost time, lost efforts, and lost love. But as Taylor Swift wisely said, “Love’s never lost when perspective is earned.” It’s a reminder that even in loss, there’s something to be gained—a deeper understanding, a clearer perspective, a chance to grow. 

4th - going home feels different now

It first felt different on January 1, when I had to leave home right after the New Year to return to Manila for an exam on January 2. That was when it hit me—this was going to be my new reality: constantly going back and forth.

You go home and find your old room has been turned into a storage space, with dusty clothes and cluttered shelves. You go home and realize your old clothes no longer fit or match your style now. You go home and learn your beloved dog has passed away, and your parents waited weeks to tell you so it wouldn’t distract you from your studies.

You go home and see so much has changed... or maybe it’s you who has changed the most.

You go home, only to leave again.

5th - i am where i am supposed to be

As what Ted Mosby had said, "on any day, you could step out the front door, and your whole life could change forever. You see the Universe has a plan kids; and that plan is always in motion."

Bittersweet it may be, but leaving my hometown was probably one of the best decisions I've made. I've yet to see many things unfold but the best thing that happened is the person I am right now. I did not know how much change I was capable of and how much growth I could still experience until I made the decision to leave. Ahhhh, cue in Taylor Swift's happiness, "you haven't met the new me yet".

6th - wait

I never had a problem with waiting. As a person with many hobbies, I can entertain myself (read a book, catch up with Duolingo, listen to music, etc.) while waiting. Not until you realize you're racing with time. Not until you realize you're getting old and everybody is grabbing what they can-- fame, prestige, riches-- just to survive. Not until you realize the train will not wait for anyone and will pass by when it has to. Insecurity sets in.

I felt this during the time we had to look for a thesis adviser. It felt like a race choosing an adviser who could help you conduct your thesis abroad. That was every graduate student's dream. I remember I had to keep that desire to myself, because I've seen that... the train's packed already. I had to step back and see I was still far from the next in line.

And I've learned that stepping back is fine. Waiting is fine. My circumstances still turned out fine. I'll just wait for the next train ride. :)

7th - hold on

They say that hope is a foolish thing. Then I guess, I'd rather be a fool than not hope. 

Chaos is bound to happen in this world-- that's already predestined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Reality means there are hardships, heartbreaks, climate change, wars, and fights. Hope is believing there's a beautiful ending to all of this, that there's light at the end of the tunnel. If hope is what we need to take the next step in the dark, we take every version of hope we have to get closer to the light, even if we don't live long enough to see it.

My hope's anchored in Jesus Christ-- the One who saw that if going through all those persecutions would mean our salvation from this world, then He would willingly take up the cross. And the hope is not in His death but the overcoming it. To leave this hopeless world in the hopes of having an eternal home free of heartaches, then, to hope in Jesus is not a foolish thing.

8th - i am so much more

I am so happy I've tried running. I've never been athletic in my whole life-- not counting those times I've played patintero every afternoon way back in elementary. I'm competitive when it comes to playing team sports but running is different because the one you're competing with is... uhm, yourself? Finishing two kilometers before was a hard task for me already. I can't imagine I'm doing 5k or more now.

Looking back, there are many times I've given up. I have countless Day 1s. Yet running has taught me that there's no endurance when there's no perseverance, and the countless Day 1s can lead to the 1 Day I can finish a marathon. 

All that matters is that I show up.

9th - God sends help

Life is a journey not meant to be taken alone. And I really thank the Lord for sending me people in every season I am in. Like every season talaga. From my highschool barkada, college blockmates, colleagues in DepEd, classmates in graduate school, roommates in Manila. Yes, people come and go but how the Lord has strategically put these people in the right place at the right time is beyond me. I can't imagine where I am right now without the help and company of these people. 

I am never self-made. I am every bit of these people. And if one day, I'll wander again, I know God will send help.


Yey! Finally launched this photodiary. I was so excited to post this weeks ago pa, but life got in the way. And December has been so busy?! All I want is to take my time, sit down, and do my passion projects. I've shared 9 things, 18 more to go. Crazy. I was planning to share all of it in one go, but I realized that would take me a long time to finish. Crazy to think I could do it, I'm not even a legit writer. 

Here's to taking things more slowly and steadily. No rush in posting all of it, self. Haha it's the Christmas eve! May your heart be glad and peaceful towards the end of the year. Let's finish the year soft. <3

P.S. To my dear reader, what is one thing you've learned this year?

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Someone who will love you in all your damaged glory

Here's the last glorious sunset I've captured using my now lost phone. 

Right when this month started, I've read on Threads about the October Theory: for some people, this month is "an alarm to make certain changes before the year is over"; a time when people "decide what things need to be set into motion". 

I was excited for October since I knew there was so much in store. My weekends were fully booked with gigs: Clara Benin and I Belong to the Zoo at Jess & Pat's, the Over October concert, a science communication workshop, Women's Run PH, and a SPIT show. I was saying yes to every invitation that fit my schedule. Between these, I was making progress with my thesis experiments, unexpectedly leading a team on a business proposal, tutoring, cooking meals for everybody at home, volunteering to help with orientation for first-year students, and squeezing in training sessions for my upcoming run.

This was my way of embracing change before the year’s end—a commitment to growth. I didn’t want to miss a single opportunity, knowing that by this time next year, I might be in a completely different season. Every task brought a sense of purpose, and it was satisfying to tick each one off my list. It felt good that things were in my control.

How I managed to show up for everything, and how things always seemed to work out, I can only attribute to the Lord’s presence with me every step of the way. Every ounce of strength I needed, every word I struggled to find, His grace was there, carrying me through.


I had hoped this blog post would wrap up on a high note, but October had other plans—apparently, this month couldn’t end without a plot twist. grabe ka na October

The joy of completing my first 10K at the Women's Run was quickly overshadowed by the grief of losing my phone—which, as it turns out, was stolen. It all happened in less than 5 minutes-- when all you thought you were safe around women (grabe new fear unlocked!!!). Just a simple compromise and the day dragged on with a series of anticlimactic events I have never imagined I would witness in my life. Things totally were not in my control. Traumatized and drained, my roommates and I could not talk about it for three days.

When life is going well, it’s easy to lift our hands and give God all the glory. But when things go off-script, when setbacks hit us, it’s tempting to ask, 'Where is God in all this?' or 'Why me?' My roommate even said, half-joking, 'Maybe we were just too happy at yesterday’s SPIT show—now we’re paying for it.'

Despite it all, I know He was with me in those situations-- He gave me very caring roommates who did not think twice to help me; He sent us police officers who treated us well; He sent someone from the run who has the same case as mine (while it's unfortunate that there's another victim, it's comforting to know that someone can relate to all these dumb feelings); He was there to protect us from further violence that could have happened if things had escalated. His grace still has carried me.

1 Peter 5:10
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.

I’ll admit, that incident left me with new fears. Yet it’s as though the Lord gently asks, 'Will you still trust Me? Will you rely on My provision? Will you remain faithful?'

And to that, I can answer with a resounding yes.

Just give me lang little time, Lord, to grieve my lost phone. Hahaha. And He did. He truly does restore, making me stronger, firmer, and more steadfast.

I know my own troubles pale in comparison to those who endured the devastation of Typhoon Kristine last week—or to my friend, who just lost her Dad today. They must have questioned the Lord more than me. From the depths of my heart, I pray that, somehow, these people can still see that God is here, even in the midst of suffering in this broken world. Jesus bore the unimaginable suffering on the cross—He understands whatever you’re facing.

I always carry Romans 8:28 with my heart, yet there are situations where we could not see how God can turn a difficult experience into something good. We may not have the answers today for all these questions. We may not yet see how He’s working through our mess and brokenness, but may we still trust His heart.

Because He is Someone who will love you in all your damaged glory*.

This helped me navigate through unexplainable trials. Hope this would help you, too! Take heart, dear!


* Just the title of the book of my current read. I could not find the right title for this blogpost. Hope it fits.

So much for the October Theory. The month that was meant to be an alarm for change has instead left a mark I’ll probably carry til the end of the year. No matter how much we try to decide on our own, there are still things we cannot control. 

I am surrendering.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

the "but if not" faith

With just three months left in the year, there are still so many goals left unchecked. As someone who thrives on having everything planned, uncertainty is my greatest adversary. Anxiety is my nightly companion, pulling me into non-existent conversations. My internal thoughts wake me more than my night owl roommate, who rummages through her notes, studying for her exam.

I plan to avoid failure. I mentally rehearse worst-case scenarios so I can prevent them. I script my future conversations to avoid shame. I anticipate people's reactions to shield my heart from rejection. I read people too much. I think too much.

But today, I was reminded during Sunday Service—God is sovereign. 

Every time I hear the story of the Tan-Chi family’s darkest day in their lives and what happened to Joy Tan-Chi, it brings me to tears. In 1992, the Tan-Chi children were held hostage in their home, and Joy was raped by seven men while her parents, Ptr. Peter and Deonna, were leading a Bible study somewhere. It’s a stark reminder that even those close to God, those who serve Him, are not immune to trials and suffering.

What struck me most today was Carolyn, the youngest daughter, who—traumatized by the event—grew up locking all her doors and windows. She once asked her mother, “How will I know if God will never allow the robbery and rape to happen again?”

That question lingers: What if, after all my careful planning, God allows my worst fears to come true? What if, after all the waiting, heartbreak still finds me? What if, after all the striving, setbacks could still unfold? Believing in God’s sovereignty means accepting suffering, too.

But who am I to question God? 

Even Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood firm before Nebuchadnezzar, saying:

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us. 

But even if He does not, we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." - Daniel 3:16-18

Even Job never blamed God even if everything he owned and every kin he has was taken away. I could never fathom the pain Job had to go through all of that, I would never survive. But,

He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” - Job 1:21

And Jesus, the son of God, was not exempted from suffering and died on the cross to save us from our sins. Instead, He also surrendered to His Father's will,

saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.- Luke 22:42

How profound is their faith! I pray to have a faith like theirs--- deep, rooted, refined. Always reminding myself, that even in suffering, failures, rejections, and heartaches, His control remains. He is still sovereign.

Deonna could not tell and promise her daughter Carolyn that God will never allow the bad things to happen again, but rather tells her to shift her focus-- it's not in the absence of problems our security lies, but in the presence of God.

"... But they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing." - Psalm 34:10

Each day is an invitation to surrender to the Lord. I need to release my grip on things beyond my control and stop dwelling so much on an uncertain future. Let’s trust God that He would take our broken pieces and to complete the good work He lovingly promises to those who love and seek Him (Romans 8:28), even if not in the way we wanted it to be. His will, not mine.


This is one of my recent early morning shots while comet-watching. As a fan of astronomical events, I eagerly awaited the chance to glimpse Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas. Despite the cloudy, polluted, skyscraper-blocked skies of Metro Manila, I was still hopeful.

I prayed to see the comet.. But even if not (and I didn't haha), at least I was blessed with this view—rays of the rising sun piercing through the clouds, while I had a quiet, personal moment with my Maker.


Sharing the CCF Sunday Service on October 6, 2024 so that you'll also be blessed! ❤
