27 things pt. 2

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hello 2025! 2024 was a really memorable year for me even though the first 6 months seemed a different year compared to the second 6 months. I guess it's too late for me already to make a 2024 wrap up post -- sa dami ng nangyari, I am overwhelmed by the amount of photos I need to declutter.

The photo above is the best picture that could describe what I'm feeling about this new year. That is my corner of the room the first time we moved into our new place. Barely empty, looking lonely, but so much space to bring in new things. 

Here's the second part of my photodiary!


10th - grief and clarity

Dealing with grief has always been hard and different for each person. But one thing I learned last year is that grief could also come when there is clarity. 

There is clarity on where I should go, but I will grieve about the places I had to leave. There is clarity on what I want, but there is grief on what could have been. There is clarity on what love we think we deserve, but there is grief where love has been.

While grief's hard to deal with, it's because of clarity that we're able to slowly get through with it.

Here's a picture of Moon and Venus conjunction, the phenomenon where both celestial bodies align with each other and appear close as observed from Earth. 

11th - live for the little things

Sometimes we just have to allow ourselves to not think too deeply. Sometimes the things that matter are things that we should not worry about because it has always been there all along. Sometimes the answers to the questions that we have can't be answered at the moment. 

So instead, look for joy in the little things. Look forward to sunrises and sunsets. To the laughters and stories of my roommates at the end of the day. To that puppy that will greet you everytime you go home. To the conversations with your family or friends over dinner. As what my friend had said, "we need to give space for the mundane moments". Sometimes, just giving 5 minutes for these things would get us through the day.

"But today, I'll stop to smell the roses." ~ roses, Paolo Sandejas

12th - grass is greener here

This is actually a reminder for me always to be thankful of what I have for now. There's uncertainty of my future after I graduate Masters. Most probably I'll be comparing myself with other people's employed status hahaha. But it's gonna be okay. There's no use in looking over other people's patches of green fields when I can also invest in myself, nurture my growth, and appreciate small sprouts of progress.

13th - forgive yourself

I've always been too hard on myself whenever I make mistakes. I am even ashamed other people might see my faults. 

But whether we said the wrong words, followed the wrong advice, gave up too soon, made the wrong choices-- I hope we always give ourselves grace and understand that we are just humans. And this is our first life, it's okay to make mistakes.

I've read once in a post, 'Imagine how much further you'd get if you met your setbacks with "let's try again" instead of "what's the point"'. Let's not easily give up, and give ourselves grace to try again.

14th - rest well, serve well

Many times I've regretted what I've said, done, and thought of when I am tired. This year, I will be more present to every waking moment, be more present to the people around me, so that I can serve them well. 

I think it's okay to put off things first especially when making decisions until I have rested well. I realized as I am getting older, I can't do all-nighter anymore and still have energy for the next day. 

I hope to have courage to say no to things that will compromise my sleeping time. Haha just adult things

(Look at that mountain though, damn those edges!! I will always miss Bukidnon <3) 

15th - go out and discover you

I thank the Lord that I have the privilege to travel. More than the beautiful things I've seen in other places, my travels also allowed me to discover things within me.

Because of my travels, I have dared to dream new dreams and gained new perspectives on the world. Once you go out there, you realize how small your worries are and how great we could still be when we expand our mindset of who we are right now.

Different races, cultures, languages-- these really fascinate me every time, because as I go people watching, how different we may be, everybody is just trying to survive in this life in our own ways.

I am just but a small speck in this vast world.

16th - mang and pang

My mom and dad are not perfect but amidst of all the broken marriages and families today, I admire their faithfulness with each other in keeping their relationship strong. I guess 30 years of marriage is really hard work and God's faithfulness. 

I guess their bond got closer and love got stronger when all their children had left home already, and realized that all they have is each other. Makes me teary eyed every time I think of this aaaahhhh

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

17th - mourn, but hope

Pain demands to be felt, and there's no point of suppressing our hurts. 

Allow yourself to grieve and feel what you feel. But it's another thing to let that feeling linger. There is wisdom in realizing that pain is part in this life, but so is breakthrough. There are indeed nights that feel so long, dark, and lonely, but hold on to the hope that joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). 

When I lost my phone last year, there was a storm that week which gave me reason to mourn for days because there was no sun hahaha but eventually, sun had to show up. The world did not stop revolving around the sun, and the world would not stop for me. Painful truth but comforting at the same time. 

Thank God for every morning, for every sunrise. It's a stark reminder that there is hope in every loss. And that every dark moment always has its end.

18th - room to grow

"Please be patient with me.
God is not through with me yet.
I am not yet what God wants me to be.
But praise God, by His Grace, I'm no longer the same person as I was."
- Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi
(January 5, 2025 - CCF Sunday Service)

It's already the second month of 2025. This post is long overdue!! It was supposed to be posted on the first week of the year but life happened. Weddings, reunions, and thesis. This post had undergone so much drafts already hahaha I've been writing and finishing this at the airport while waiting for my flights, writing in between my thesis experiments, and writing for a few minutes before I go to sleep. I guess I had to post it already before I get (super) busy again.

As for the third part of this series, I need to take new photos! 

Have a fun year ahead :)

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