Sunday, July 9, 2023

finding satisfaction amidst the busyness


I woke up this morning with not having much sleep. I remember I forced myself to sleep at around 2AM because sleepiness had not visited me yet. I was surprised to wake up at 5:30AM feeling just okay, not feeling groggy, not sure if I really slept or not. 

I am not sleeping well lately. Rest has been so scarce. I am so preoccupied lately for my graduate school applications and in our preparations for our upcoming Graduation Ceremony this July 10, tomorrow. We just had our last graduation practice yesterday, I am sure it was the cause of my adrenaline rush, causing me to stay awake for hours-- or it could be my anxiety. I thought I am handling my graduation anxiety better this year than last year, but I am close to going back to how it was before-- irritable and had bouts of breaking down once in a while. I know I have to have some alone time. 

Today is Sabbath day. I am already late for the CCF Morning Service so here I am at Lil Brew Cafe spending some quality time with myself and with the Lord. I know God will meet me where I am.

and indeed, as the song goes "my soul is satisfied in Him alone"

My heart is better now. The Word has never failed to comfort me and remind me that I should put my worth in Christ's love at the cross-- He found me worthy to save despite being a sinner. I have many times disappointed my parents, my workmates, and myself lately. My heart is not okay for a conflict at the workplace but the message encouraged me that as long as "it depends on you, be at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18) I know in my heart I did my part in reaching out, and forgiving. Indeed, even in this trouble I am in, God has always been so faithful to me, never leaving me in any circumstance. 

I also learned in today's message by Pastor Peter Tan-Chi that when we do our devotionals and Bible reading, let us not seek just the knowledge from the scriptures but to ask ourselves what we have learned of the character of our Father in heaven.

Today I learned (again) that He is merciful to me, a sinner. He is also a just and a loving father. Are these two qualities possible to exist in one person? Yes, just like a father disciplines his child whom he loves. To reconcile being just for the sins we have committed and being a loving father to us, not wanting us to perish, He allowed His Beloved Son to die on the cross to be the great sacrifice once and for all. And what's left for us to do? It is to believe in this gospel, that Jesus indeed died for us and rose again. 

I am reminded that no matter what we are going through, nothing is too great for God. Just lean on Him.
This is truly the rest I needed-- quality time with the Lord and hearing His Word.

Also, commending Lil Brew Cafe. I am the only customer for 3 hours yet they still have given me the warmest service haha I love their food (chicken arabbiata :3 nomnom) and matcha latte!!! They also have service water!! I think Lil Brew Cafe is now tied with Bread & Brew at my top choice for Iligan cafes. Haha 

Long time no blog! Looking forward as I'll have more time to blog in the next months. Blessed Sunday. <3
